Tuesday, November 15, 2011

275m hooked to killer tobacco, survey reveals

NEW DELHI: Around 275 million people in India -- at 15 years and above use tobacco -- which is the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the world.

An average Indian has been found to start using tobacco at 17.8 years. Not many could quit this dangerous habit. The quit ratio for smoking is 13% while that of smokeless tobacco users is 5%.

Shockingly, one in every four female tobacco users are initiated into it before reaching their 15th birthday.

Two in every five daily tobacco users - aged 20-34 -- took to it day in and day out before they had turned 18.

According to the nation's maiden Adult Tobacco Survey (ATS), the findings of which were released by the Union health ministry on Tuesday, India is the second largest consumer of tobacco products and third largest producer of tobacco in the world. 

Read more...http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/275m-hooked-to-killer-tobacco-survey-reveals/articleshow/6776085.cms

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